It's not really my fight. Not that I do not care a great deal, and if asked to work in favor of a solution I would try my best. BUT:
1) I'm not a racist. Not by any measure to the folks that let it control their actions.
2) I have ZERO control over ANYONE deciding to sit or stand for the anthem, or the flag or both.
Which leads me to how I try to solve many problems, but I forget about it because of who I am & the problems that exist in my life. So for myself, & I know dang well millions of others out there, from now on when I allow this issue to bring out emotion in myself....emotion enough to get me ranting, I will use a prayer that millions of us try to practice but too often forget.
Now I'm sure there are many that think I have gone overboard. But being a huge fan of the Miami Dolphins and having spent so much time & energy in my life to witness the events the NFL puts on,...or just not wanting to miss seeing one of JJ's areola's again?.?.?. The result of me turning my back would leave such a void in my life I would need to change & fill many areas. Well, I'm going to give myself at least 3-5 years in hopes of positive change by the NFL. So, with great respect for Reinhold Niebuhr, I am committing myself to use a version of the prayer longer than most use, I think?.?.?.
"God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Living one day at a time, Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is, Not as I would have it,
Trusting that you will make all things right, If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
Now, I am a master at placing not one, but two feet in my mouth......ya' know, to try and stay current let me say that I can very easily place a "qwerty," no matter which way or angle,......well shoot......whatever, in my mouth. How else do you say it? I have often put 2 keyboards on my hands? I'm known for sticking a Logitech into my left ear, all the way in without it departing from my right ear?
Would anyone say I have trouble staying on topic? Would anyone ask, Hey, knucklehead, what in the #$%@ is the topic?? The topic is once again about standing or not for our National Anthem. And I have 2 additional thoughts to add.
Okay, this is basically a black-white issue. The Serenity Prayer, the title of that prayer I just typed, obviously is based on Christianity. Christianity is largely a white & Hispanic religion.
I do not remember how many religions there are in this world? I remember in one of my college courses something about 23 or 24 Core religions?.?.?. If you knew ANYTHING about how I spent my time in college, you would not trust what I just wrote! Because I studied so hard on so many topics that.......gonna stop, never been a good liar.
Anyway, the point of that 23-24 Core religion statement is this: The course was .......Philosophy of Religion (recommended for those persons interested spending their lives working in Politics. If you believe that, capitalism is not for you. After all religion is about faith, worship, and many would say trying to help others or do good, not evil. On the other hand, capitalism is a ....political/economical system controlled by private owners (as opposed to government/state) void of morality. Why? Because the idea is to make money, and to make money often means......GREED.) It kind of stinks because the closest happy medium for free market & communism is socialism. And many people think communism & socialism are the same. Even deeper, the more uneducated there are the more confusion about meaning. The more educated, less confusion yet your lower class is going to increase because they do not understand what the educated see as simpler ways of living & they do not have the $ to learn the simpler ways, nor buy the products that make it simpler.
Give me a show of hands of how many people know what a snowball is!! 7?? There are only seven of you that know what a snowball is? Well how many of you are reading this right now? Again, hands please? 4!!! FOUR!!!! Fine. I'll finish this with how I actually feel instead of trying to get people to think I'm not insane.
The religion thing I wrote about: 23-24. Well, line 'em up against one another as you would a sporting teams. Throw 7-8 categories at the top and then percentile them. I have an excellent recipe for chili. What you find out about these religions is that they are very similar. The most amazing(to me) is that each religion, all 24, had a story about a man swallowed by a big fish and then was spat out 3 days later on dry land. Now, that is complete BS!!!! But, the common themes to each religion are so similar it widens your eyes. A Basic 10 commandments/rules/orders...major prophets or an actual .....son of God, or last messenger of Allah.
My point being, if you like the wording of the Serenity prayer, change a couple names to let it match your faith. OH GOODNESS!! "You Blasphemer!!" And I'm the one overboard!!
Get over yourself you color haters. You are being passed by!! I've actually spoken with a few PEOPLE that seem to be enjoying their time on this planet and are interested in sticking around as long as their health is good. They said they weren't interested in taking a boat to a small island in the S Pacific, shooting all that lived there, and then having 10-12 guys raise an American Flag as a sign of what........MINE!
I've ranted to long & I think my 2 points may have melded somewhere along the way.?.?.? I also make a really good banana desert. I'm wondering if I should leave my address for those wanting to send me money?? If you give me your address I'll drive over & pick it up! With an autographed photo of my wife. No, of me......ya' know I have a really good picture of my 4th grade class. I'm in the last row & there's a guy elbowing me in the gut just as the picture is taken. I can still remember: finally, this bully was caught in the act!!
When the class pictures came out. He became the most popular kid in the school. Everyone was shaking his hand, teachers were hugging him, & the girls were going crazy over him. I will never forget that kid. One of these days I'll find him....yup, Urban Meyer was his name. For all I know he's passed away. I know he amounted to nothing because all he did in class was draw X's & V's on paper all day long. There are 24 other letters in the alphabet & he just would practice almost the last letters. Seldom used in words. Talk about a dummy.
My BASIC POINT: I'm gonna watch my team play. You don't want to stand, obviously you have a very important belief or idea causing you to do something considered unpatriotic, brave, etc., etc., etc. Okay. I hope in some crazy way it can make blacks & whites understand each other better. It's not violent so it is okay in my book. We have brains & mouths. Let's keep the violence out and work on a way to get along. I know it seems corny, but I always think of RKings words="Can we all just get along? Can we get along?"
If you're a Miami Dolphin, it's time to take the division back. C'mon guys, don't let Broadway Darnold be the next great QB that has his own PSP setting. OL, make it like the early 70's when there was a 3-headed monster in the backfield=Kick, Morris, & Csonka=Gore, Drake, & Ballage!!!!