When certain stories bother me in the news, I turn away from them. The whole National Anthem debate bothered & confused me. I made a point of ignoring anything related to it. And I can see now that I pretty much made myself look/appear like an ignorant idiot, if that's possible.
HONESTLY, as I ignored anything having to do with the issue, there was a part of me that thought it was losing steam/wearing out. From the beginning I felt it was a huge misunderstanding.
NOW, when I think about someone not standing for the National Anthem, or the American Flag, I think that person is uneducated, self-centered, taking advantage of a system/Country that enables that person to live the American Dream but having absolutely no respect for those that carved the way.
For you players that do not stand & do not honor our flag, I truly wish you would take the time to turn your TV channel to 570(DirecTV), Smithsonian channel. Watch a few episodes of WWII, The Pacific in Color!!
Thank you to all the men & women that defend this Nation, allowing others to make millions playing games. Why is school important?
HONESTLY, as I ignored anything having to do with the issue, there was a part of me that thought it was losing steam/wearing out. From the beginning I felt it was a huge misunderstanding.
NOW, when I think about someone not standing for the National Anthem, or the American Flag, I think that person is uneducated, self-centered, taking advantage of a system/Country that enables that person to live the American Dream but having absolutely no respect for those that carved the way.
For you players that do not stand & do not honor our flag, I truly wish you would take the time to turn your TV channel to 570(DirecTV), Smithsonian channel. Watch a few episodes of WWII, The Pacific in Color!!
Thank you to all the men & women that defend this Nation, allowing others to make millions playing games. Why is school important?