Let's all play Omar Kelly's favorite game in the world!!!
These tweets were posted by our good friend Omar after the Cleveland game.
We were all a little frustrated, myself included, but these words by far take the cake.
So this Miami team is no better than a 6 win team Omar? Believe me, I am as surprised as you are but who exactly should be sadly mistaken? Me? Mr. Ross? Tannehill? Marino?
ALL WRONG!! No Points for you Omar. YOU should be sadly mistaken for posting that! We all might have been thinking something similar but you take the cake for actually tweeting that out.
"There probably won't be many more victories this season". What do you classify as "many more"? Just one? Possibly more than the 6 you predicted in your tweet? What exactly is "many more?"
The hell with it!! It doesn't matter anyway Omar! You still lose this edition of your favorite game "GOTCHA!!"
Thanks for playing!!
Brought to you by all the people who love pointing out when you are wrong!
See you next time!!
Honestly, i don't blame Omar for those tweets. I do blame him for his years and years of constant team bashing, especially when it comes to Tannehill. The thing that really irks me is that he is always quick to pounce on the bad stuff but rarely gives any credit where credit is due.
😳😁...... Omar FLIPPIN' Kelly! He's SUCH a different person(all of the sudden) in these past few "X's, & Omar's".... Tell the world the truth Omar!! You write here, but "a fan"??... Naw', NOT EVEN CLOSE! He's a RAVENS FAN! The Ravens are a PERFECT FIT TOO!! Pleeeease.... South Fla. begs you..... Pleeeease- GO HOME!
This is a dumb ass article, with a dumb ass name, written for a dumb ass reason.
meh. If anything people play gotcha with omar all the time since hes a public personality. Its easy if you tweet all the time.
I dont think Omar is down on the dolphins as much as Armando does, just brutality honest sometimes. I wrote us off also after the browns game.
i dont think any of us admittedly, after the browns & titans game, would have thought we were a playoff team.browns missed 3 fgs 1 to win the game with time expiring & titans just kicked our ass flat out..thank you for this coaching staff & team for believing & turning it around because if this were quesys team we might have been on par with Cleveland & SF. Go Fins.. Mia 24 Bal 17 for 7 straight wins
Omar is a liar in many many ways. Not only is his reporting suspect at best but he claims to only block you on twitter if you disrespect him. Then if he doesn't like what you say but you don't disrespect him he mutes you instead. So he only has to hear from his athletic supporters. :) What a gutless pussy!
Hey Omar go to Tampa and hang with Miko and Brent
I don't follow Omar like you guys do. I simply don't care to.
If he is such a jerk, why do you guys follow him?
He shouldn't even be on your radar.