As you All know, we always state how Omar gets mad when you call him out and then instantly blocks you from social media when he gets challenged. The tweet that spawned this person to get blocked was something to the effect of "with all the crap you talk about the Dolphins, I wouldn't even think you were a fan". Obviously that person had it all wrong, Omar Kelly is not a Dolphins fan, but apparently Omar himself doesn't even know what he is because the picture below has his job title right under it and it sure don't say "analyst"...
With that being said, I read something in today's news that was AWESOME coming from coach Gase's post practice press conference. There was a lot of Dolphins beat writers that were questioning the fact that there has not been a lot of deep passes in camp so far. One of the questions in particular asked if Gase was OK with the "Dink & Dunk" plays they have been running so far in camp.
Gase's Response: "I'm fine with it. I'm the one scripting the plays & calling the plays so i'm obviously fine with it. There is a time & place for it [the deep ball]. But there is also a time and place to not get sacked 60 times a year"
Case Continued: "The whole league is 10 yards and under. There is one team, maybe two that does it [throws deep constantly] Pittsburgh & Arizona. They hold the ball for a downfield play instead of check it under but more teams than not have a 10 & under pass offense. But if you wanna stand back there and have your quarterback's brains beat out, then have at it"
AMAZING response from Coach Gase. I don't know how he will be as a coach but I damn sure like him at the podium! After reading that I started to think about a few things.
1-Omar Kelly is constantly pointing out that our O-Line is not good enough and he has been quoted as saying "every team has weaknesses but a good coach can mask them with scheme and play calling". What in god's green earth do you think Gase is doing Omar? What will make you a happy reporter/analyst or whatever you are? Gase knows our O-Line is a work in progress so he is getting the ball out of the QB's hands quickly to prevent the line from being exposed. Isn't that what you have been waiting for? Again, if social media didn't exist to allow you to cause drama & increase your beloved "followers" and you actually had to write an article that was worth reading and was spelled correctly, you would probably be fired because you contradict yourself almost daily.
2-It just dawned on me that Miami dominated the Panthers last year in a combined practice. As you know, Carolina went on a tear and made it to the super bowl WITHOUT their # 1 receiver AND with their HC on the verge of getting fired!!!. They were "doomed" as well last year and look how that turned out!! Why is everyone freaking the hell out already about the Dolphins? 2 weeks of camp and they are already doomed according to everyone! I stated what I expect and what I hope to see out of the Dolphins this year but let's all be fair and give this coach a chance, you know, to coach his first game as HC as well as Vance Joseph to coach his first as DC. To judge them after like 14 practices is asinine. Let's hold our judgement until we know what we are getting. And no, that does not mean after the first game of the season! Let things play out for half the season or so and we should all have a good idea of whether or not this team is headed in the right direction. This constant rhetoric is ridiculous already. Omar said that if Byron Maxwell goes down this year, Miami is a 2 win team. Really?! Again, that probably stirred up some drama for him and gained him some social media attention that he craves so much.
Phins Up!!
We ALL know who omar "The Idiot" is and your playing right into his game. We should all just pay no attention to him, comment on his articles and don't Tweet him. Maybe, just maybe his rating will fall and he'll get fired!!!!! Any how your so right about your opinion in your article. Keep up the good work. GO PHINS
Touche! I know I wasn't the only one thinking the way that you are thinking.
Omar needs our pity, he is addicted to social media, and he has the mental capacity of a gum drop. Basically pathetic.
For the record, I am not on any social media outlets at all! I see his tweets on!
Yeah I get so tired of hearing this jokers comments he is definitely a "know it all" but actually is dumb as shit I wish the dummy would get fired I'm so tired of hearing his negativity will be extremely happy when coach Gase proves thus dummy wrong Go Phins!!! And Go Omar to another state!!!
Yeah I get so tired of hearing this jokers comments he is definitely a "know it all" but actually is dumb as shit I wish the dummy would get fired I'm so tired of hearing his negativity will be extremely happy when coach Gase proves thus dummy wrong Go Phins!!! And Go Omar to another state!!!
hate Omar's coverage. I wish they would terminate his contract and/or access to the team. He sucks as a supposed analyst and as a reporter too. And we all KNOW he's no fan of the Dolphins, from all the hate he spews around. Why the heck doesn't he go cover a team he actually likes? What a doofus.
GO PHINS~! should stop showing his tweets, I requested it already, he is a subversive malcontent. Reminds me a lot of the current narcissist in the crack house, acts like a spoiled child.
@ Kelly:
That is a hilarious and very accurate comparison! LOL
@lawrence, thanks, for the record, I am not on twizzler or disgracebook either, but I do like and mr 50,000 tweets a day is always there, front and center, with his childish rants, and misspelled opinions.
I have already sent curt at an email, lets flush his Twitter feed so we don't have to see him. I won't click on his articles, but the Twitter nonsense is annoying.
Philbin was a mouth breathing mope, I like what I see of Gase so far. Fair questions are one thing, but outright rooting against, and unfair negativity are another.
I think Gase will go straight Don Shula, or Mike Ditka on Omar's Azz. Dave Hyde could teach Mr Kelly a few lessons on how to be a real sports reporter.
@ Kelly:
I do not read Omar's articles either, waste of time. If you follow the reporters at all then you know they ALL have a. Evasive opinion of the Phins BUT they all are respectful in their articles. They report what has happened as they should but give reason for optimism. Not Omar! LOL. He is a self acclaimed coach, scout, analyst, OC, DC, and GM. In his opinion, if the Dolphins would just do what he says, they would be a faaaaaarrrrrrrrr better team. It's a joke.
@ Kelly:
Sorry about the weird spelling, damn auto correct. I meant they "ALL have a negative opinion..."
Very well written and on point. Thanks.
Well done Lawrence.